Don and Ben start the episode talking about kimchi fermentation and all the cabbage that needed to be washed and salted. The conversation went towards collaborations with fun people that might seem a bit unnatural to outsiders. The guys talk about a few outbreaks including two pathogenic E. coli ones linked to Romaine lettuce and Hep A in blackberries. They then do some listener feedback on foreign objects, bad cleaning and sanitizing machines and chitterlings. Also, bacteria is everywhere.
Food safety recalls are always either too early or too late. If you're right, it's always too late. If you're wrong, it's always too early.
- Dr. Paul Mead
Show notes so you can follow along at home:
Food Safety Talk 3: Be the Ball (Chris Gunter, Guest) — Food Safety Talk
Outbreak of Hepatitis A Virus Infections Linked to Fresh Blackberries | CDC
Timeline of Outbreak of Hepatitis A Virus Infections Linked to Fresh Blackberries | CDC
Map and case count for Outbreak of Hepatitis A Virus Infections Linked to Fresh Blackberries | CDC
Outbreak of E. coli Infections | E.coli Infections | November 2019 | E. coli | CDC
FDA hid romaine-related outbreak from public view for more than 6 weeks | Food Safety News
Outbreak Announcement via Tweet - Now, that is Transparency | Marler Blog
‘The World Is Covered by a Thin Layer of Feces’ - Google Search
Mann Brand/Private Brand U.S. Products - Mann Packaging Product Recall
Fish Poisoning in Travelers: Ciguatera and Scombroid | Travelers’ Health | CDC